Designing a theme requires some patience from scratch. So I recommand to use the ones I provide as templates. A theme requires both style sheet and menu properties. One needs to know CSS (style sheet) and JavaScript. OverviewJSCookTree builds a table for each of the tree item and wraps all the items in a subtree in a<div> .
DOM Hierarchy for CSSNote: '*' is the theme prefix. '#' is the tree level. At least level 0 and level 1 of the
theme need to be defined. Level 1 and above also need to have the property Theme PropertiesTheme property is used to define what should appear to the left and right of the tree item. JavaScript knowledge is required to do this part. var ctThemeXPBase = '/JSCookTree/ThemeXP/'; // theme node properties var ctThemeXP2 = { // tree attributes // // except themeLevel, all other attributes can be specified // for each level of depth of the tree. // HTML code to the left of a folder item // first one is for folder closed, second one is for folder opened folderLeft: [['<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'folder2.gif" />', '<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'folderopen2.gif" />']], // HTML code to the right of a folder item // first one is for folder closed, second one is for folder opened folderRight: [['', '']], // HTML code for the connector // first one is for w/ having next sibling, second one is for no next sibling // then inside each, the first field is for closed folder form, and the second field is for open form folderConnect: [[['',''],['','']],[['<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'plus.gif" />','<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'minus.gif" />'], ['<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'plusbottom.gif" />','<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'minusbottom.gif" />']]], // HTML code to the left of a regular item itemLeft: ['<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'page.gif" />'], // HTML code to the right of a regular item itemRight: [''], // HTML code for the connector // first one is for w/ having next sibling, second one is for no next sibling itemConnect: [['',''],['<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'join.gif" />', '<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'joinbottom.gif" />']], // HTML code for spacers // first one connects next, second one doesn"t spacer: [['',''],['<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'line.gif" />', '<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'spacer.gif" />']], // deepest level of theme style sheet specified themeLevel: 1 }; When you finished designing a cool theme, please send me a copy so that I could put on the web. |