JSCookTree Theme Design Guide


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Designing a theme requires some patience from scratch. So I recommand to use the ones I provide as templates. A theme requires both style sheet and menu properties. One needs to know CSS (style sheet) and JavaScript.


JSCookTree builds a table for each of the tree item and wraps all the items in a subtree in a <div>.

DOM Hierarchy for CSS

Note: '*' is the theme prefix. '#' is the tree level. At least level 0 and level 1 of the theme need to be defined. Level 1 and above also need to have the property display: none.

Theme Properties

Theme property is used to define what should appear to the left and right of the tree item. JavaScript knowledge is required to do this part.

var ctThemeXPBase = '/JSCookTree/ThemeXP/';

// theme node properties
var ctThemeXP2 =
    // tree attributes
    // except themeLevel, all other attributes can be specified
    // for each level of depth of the tree.

    // HTML code to the left of a folder item
    // first one is for folder closed, second one is for folder opened
    folderLeft: [['<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'folder2.gif" />', '<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'folderopen2.gif" />']],
    // HTML code to the right of a folder item
    // first one is for folder closed, second one is for folder opened
    folderRight: [['', '']],
    // HTML code for the connector
    // first one is for w/ having next sibling, second one is for no next sibling
    // then inside each, the first field is for closed folder form, and the second field is for open form
    folderConnect: [[['',''],['','']],[['<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'plus.gif" />','<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'minus.gif" />'],
                     ['<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'plusbottom.gif" />','<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'minusbottom.gif" />']]],

    // HTML code to the left of a regular item
    itemLeft: ['<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'page.gif" />'],
    // HTML code to the right of a regular item
    itemRight: [''],
    // HTML code for the connector
    // first one is for w/ having next sibling, second one is for no next sibling
    itemConnect: [['',''],['<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'join.gif" />', '<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'joinbottom.gif" />']],

    // HTML code for spacers
    // first one connects next, second one doesn"t
    spacer: [['',''],['<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'line.gif" />', '<img alt="" src="' + ctThemeXPBase + 'spacer.gif" />']],

    // deepest level of theme style sheet specified
    themeLevel: 1

When you finished designing a cool theme, please send me a copy so that I could put on the web.


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