Different Menu OrientationsNot all themes support all the orientations. Please check each individual's documentation.
Different ThemesHere is just a brief overview of themes available.
Applying Background ImagesWell, you are aleady looking at it. The panel at left uses the AnimationIt is possible to do animation with JSCookMenu as well, as the following example showing: Toggle Code DisplayCustom Action inside MenuTo create a custom menu item that doesn't use the default actions. One would do the following intead of the usual menu item node: [_cmNoAction, 'HTML code'] In place of the
Here is one example, having a palette selector inside a sub menu. The palette selector looks like: Now put the table inside the menu: Toggle Code DisplayCustom Actions without Closing Menu AutomaticallyThe demo above has one limitation in that the menu mouse listener is automatically called to
close the menu. Sometimes, such effects may not be desired, for instance in search boxes.
Below are two demos how Here is a simple search box: Toggle Code DisplayNow put this search box inside a menu. Toggle Code DisplayUsually the search result will change the content of this window, so it is not necessary to
consider the closing of the menu. If needed, you can call Click to Open SubmenusJSCookMenu 1.4 introduced a new feature that requires clicking to open sub menus, as per requests by many people. Currently, there are several behaviors possible for opening sub menus.
You can either directly modify JSCookMenu.js and instantly make all your existing old theme properties to behave not like the default, or you can modify individual theme properties. JavaScript Function LinkThis demo is added because I am pretty much sick of being asked if this is possible or someone who do not know much about JavaScript or JSCookMenu claiming it could not be done. The demo basically sets the windows status bar text. If you are using browsers like FireFox, you may not be able to see this text since by default it prevents JavaScripts from manipulating status bar text. The purpose is to prevent link spoofing. Toggle Code Display